Uhh. No.
Dehomag was *founded* as a subsidiary and was reabsorbed.
Uhh, citation please. Because here it says Dehomag was acquired by CTR in
1923. I have not found anything that says any American company created
Dehomag as a subsidiary and reabsorbed it.
Even if you accept the point that Dehomag was a truly
independent company
before 1923, the first paragraph of the above article is enough to
disprove your point that IBM was ever a German company.
That's already been addressed since I tried to clarify what I said.
While you're taking issue with what I said, you can't support what you
said: "Uhh. No. Dehomag was *founded* as a subsidiary and was reabsorbed."
since I asked for a citation and you haven't provided one.
How many brain surgeons does it take to screw in a lightbulb?