For alternatives, what other companies made
HPIB/GPIB/IEEE controllers?
At that time, I would guess Tektronix did. Possibly Fluke? Actually just
about anyotne in the ATE buisness would have done, surely?
I wrote a metric bucket load of code for ATE using GPIB (IEEE) controller
in a PC using QBasic45/dos and a IO library supplied with the card.
Very common in industry, though old. People have moved on to
RS485, Ethernet and smart devices using MPUs with tose interfaces.
FLUKE made the 1720 instrument controller in the early 80's. It used
the TI 9900 CPU. I do not believed it used hard-sectored media,
however. The later 1722 used the 99000, although that's a bit late
for this discussion.
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