I recently obtained a Microwriter with an LCD display.
It turns on and disp=
lays MW4/10=2C with an 'f' in the right of the display. I can enter letters=
=2C but after about 8 it locks up and I need to power cycle (using the whit=
e button)=2C which resets the unit as above.
I think 'f' is a mode=2C I think it was 'I' originally (but I can't
find a =
way to change it!). I hope it stuck in some mode or waiting for serial inpu=
t=2C can anyone help with command sequences please? Else it may be faulty=
=2C I found Tony's post from 2009 asking for a 'good' EPROM image=2C maybe =
mine is failing in a similar way.
FWIW, I am still stuck... I am pretty sure the Firmware EPROM in mine is
corrupted, some 'chords' do not produce the characters I would espect
(IIRC itr looks almost like a 1-way short between 2 of the buttons, if
you see what I mean,, buit the microswitches, cabling, diodes, etc all
check out perfectly.
IIRC, the EPROM is a 25C64 (which is sligthly different to the more common
27C64). If you have a programmer capable of reading out that device, it
would be ionteresting to compare the ROM in mine with it.