I know it can be done, I'm just not sure how. I have an adaptec 1542B
controller that I'm using the floppy controller on.
It current has two options for the floppy controller: 3F0-3F7h or 370-377h
3F0 (001111110000) is with J8/1 open
370 (001101110000) is with J8/1 closed
I'd like to re-address this to something else, like 320 or 330 or even the
LPT or serial port addresses. Now, how the heck would I go about this? I'm
pretty good with a soldering iron, and I know how to count.
Being a bit of an ISA bus neophyte, are these addresses selected by the
"Data" lines of the ISA connector (D0-D7), or what exactly is being read?
The 1542 uses a DP8473 floppy Disk Controller, nad I have the datasheet for