I'm pondering putting 3.5" and 5.25" floppy drives in a single chassis
along with a Discferret / Kryoflux. The 3.5" can be HD with no problem.
I'm leery of the complications of DD versus HD 5.25" drives. If I
bulk-erase a DD disk and write to it with an HD drive, might there be any
problems when the disk is used again on a DD drive? Would simply
formatting the DD disk be enough?
I am assumign that you are going to use the HD drive in DD mode, that is
at the lower write current. In which case the difference is the number of
cylinders, and thus that the 80 cylinder 'HD' drive writes a narrower track
than a true 40 cylinder 'DD' one.
The rules is that if you write with an 80 cylinder drive to a disk that
was previosuly written ona 40 cylinder drive (this includes formatting in
both cases), then there could be problems reading it on a 40 cylinder
drive, because the narrower head of the 80 cylidner drive will only
rewrite the middle part of the track, so the wider 40 cylidner head will
see a mix of the old and new data.
So :
Bulk erase a disk, format it o nthe 80 cylidner drive, write to it on the
80 cylinder drive and it'll be readable on a 40 cylinder drive. You can
even write to it there without prolbmes. But if you do write ot in o nthe
40 cylinder drive, do not then write to it on an 80 cylinder drive.