But that's an entirely different interface
thunking). I do remember trying Teledisk or ImageDisk
w/the usb unit and it was a no-go.
ImageDisk controls (and expects) a 765 family diskette
controller directly - via corresponding hardware I/O addresses,
DMA channels and interrupts - This is necessary in order to
be able to analize, read and write non-DOS format disks.
It will *NOT* communicate with a "smart" device connected
via USB or any other non-765 interface - it would be quite likely
that such a device would not be able to understand non-FAT
formats, formats where the sector size is not 512, formats
where sectors are not numbered 1-(expected number for media),
or sector/head numbers recorded on the disk don't correspond
to what PCs think they should be....
I have a Eurocom laptop with a connecter to which connects
an external 5.25" drive enclosure - this appears as a standard
floppy drive connected via the FDC - such an arrangement
should work OK with ImageDisk - I'm pretty sure there are other
older laptops with similar external drive schemes.
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: