On 12 Dec 2011, at 11:07 AM, David Riley wrote:
On Dec 12, 2011, at 12:44 PM, Richard wrote:
If you think Xcode is "great dev tools", then you need to get out more.
I feel like XCode used to be *better* dev tools.
Honestly, I was most fond of medium-early versions of
CodeWarrior (before OS X, before OS 9, really; the early "pro" versions), though
that may be nostalgia talking more than accurate recollection. XCode, like everything
else, seems to have bloated and gotten creaky with age (and I think the UI overhaul in 4.0
was a major step backwards).
Technically I'd say it blows hairy goats. I'm back to using gmake and emacs :P
Dr. Christian Kennedy
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