On 24 Jul 2004 at 21:35:53 "David V. Corbin" <dvcorbin(a)optonline.net>
On the topic of unusual devices, does anyone have and
spare SED [sound
emiting diode] or DED [dark emitting diode]. There were both
advertised in
EDN Magazine a long time ago [mid 1980's if I recall, note sure of the
year, but it was probably sometime around April...]
Cant seem to find any current manufacturers....
A while back when the semiconductor industry wasn't so tight-assed,
National Semiconductor used to throw gotchas in their adds; one being
the DED. They even published a data sheets for their various putons
(which I have tucked away somewhere - if I locate them, I'll put them
on line). I remember their comment that from the same production line
they were able to establish a 100% yield of LEDs and DEDs... DEDs were
available for purchase along with WOMs (write only memories) - and
there were takers ;D