> QUINZE MIL FLOPPIES??? Que voces vao fazer
com tanto disquete assim?!
On Wed, 10 Oct 2012, Shoppa, Tim wrote:
15000 floppies, times 1.44 Mbyte each, gives 21.6
Only for a truly BOGUS definition of "Gigabyte" (2^10 * 10^6)??!?
For an HONEST definition of Gigabyte (2^30) it is about 20.6
The MARKETING people named those disks "1.44M" because they redefined MB
to be 1024 * 1000. a MB of 1024 K makes them 1.4 M.
I'm willing to bet that EVERYBODY on this list is capable of multiplying
80 * 2 * 18 * 512
Let's get 15,000 (or 15 000 as in the original request) and let's see how
much they REALLY hold!
'FRAID to do so?
One of the casinoes in Vegas makes a big deal out of having "ONE MILLION
DOLLARS!" in cash on display. 20G of floppies would be more fun!
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at