Scott Stevens declared on Saturday 08 October 2005 08:49 am:
On Fri, 7 Oct 2005 21:34:38 -0700 (PDT)
steve <gkicomputers at> wrote:
--- Scott Stevens <chenmel at> wrote:
They were too
expensive (always in the five figures, usually the
mid five figures)
those same analyzers are about $50 on ebay now
Yes. $50 for the analyzer, which is too high a price without the
pods, then you spend 3 years and ultimately another $300 finding the
A couple years ago, Purdue's salvage op was selling complete (with pods)
10MHz HP logic analyzers for $50 each. I ended up asking them how much
they wanted for one some day late in December, and they said "Merry
Christmas". Of course, I do buy quite about of stuff from them, mostly
things that they'd tear apart as scrap. And then there was the 1989
Chevy boxvan I bought from them[1] to haul things back from there to my
house. :)
Another reason why it pays to befriend your local scrapper...
[1] One of the few things I have paid a large amount from them (at
auction), but probably a lot less than it was really worth.
Purdue University ITAP/RCAC ---
The Computer Refuge ---