It is the cartridge but not the photo sensitive drum.
This is almost 100% caused by the PCR ( primary charge roller ).
If the Photo drum fails, it is missing toner or fading text.
The PCR is deep inside the cartridge but can be replaced.
They normal go for around $10 someplace.
I'm told that one can clean them but I've not tried it.
It is a rubber like material and is suppose to carry the
charge off the photo drum.
There is also a scrapper that can fail. If it gets junk in
it, it will let toner get by and contaminate the PCR. It is
a self intensifying process. The more the PCR get contaminated,
the more gets by the scrapper. More that gets by, the more that
builds on the PCR, the less it is able to remove charge,
the more builds on the drum. There is normally a thin
flim of toner on the drum. This is normal.
One needs to learn how to open the cartridges.
I also have a 4SI ( used to have a 3SI ). These use the Canon
NX cartridge. After searching the net, I finally found these
pages showing how to open the cartridge:
In picture 1 they show a special tool to remove the plastic
pin. I found a screw that just goes into it and a pair of pliers
works well( I forget the screw size ).
Also look at:
Remember, don't touch any of the surfaces with fingers.
The oil will mess things up.
From: alexandre-listas at e-secure.com.br
To: cctech at
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 08:37:46 -0200
Subject: Re: HP IIISi: "50 SERVICE"
Is this something that can be fixed, or will I
just have to put up with
it until I change toner cartridges?
Change the cart, or at least the photossensible cylinder of the toner
cart (of course, cheaper to change the entire cart hehehe)
Also, the thing is giving me a lot of paper jams
with the page stuck in
the paper path after the fuser - sometimes they register as internal
jams, sometimes as output jams. It's not consistent, but frequent
enough to be annoying. Any ideas what could be causing that?
Take a look at the ruber rolls and bands of the paper path, there must
be something slipping.
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