I just discovered a flaw in my DMA setup sequence which exposes
a timing window during which bus noise can cause false dma
events (DMA enabled but FDC not driving it yet), leading to
ImageDisk not working correctly in some PCs.
I have corrected this (with the help of a couple of very knowlegeable
list members - thanks guys!), and released an updated ImageDisk 1.16
with the fix.
I have also updated the source code archive to include the new
TESTFDC and .TD0 conversion utilities.
PS: I found this while fooling with and old 486 because I finally
decided to see if I could get my Central Point DEluxe Options Board
working - the TRANSCOPY that I had for it wouldn't run at all (froze
during the analyze phase), but I downloaded one from the net which
does, but I have been unsuccessful in actually recording and
recreating a plain-jane DOS DD 360k disk - I've gotten it to complete
the motions a couple of times but the result has errors in it.
This is a 486/25 (slowest I could make it) - does anyone know if
the CTP board will work reliably, or do I need to go slower...
Any other common causes of problems...?
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: