Ethan Dicks wrote:
The fans and
switches were a common mod and handy too.
Common, yes, but he didn't have to do such a hack job. This guy even soldered
wires to the pins in the DLV11-J connector rather than buy a DEC connector.
He soldered a coax cable to the bottom of the (expensive) third-party graphics
board because he didn't want to get a 1/4" coax connector.
I still have the Heath serial board with the wires and switches dangling from
it. Maybe I'll start a web page for ugly user hacks. It reminds me of the
"joke" that says in part "the... scariest things in the universe are... a
programmer with a soldering iron." I used to work for him. Great guy,
brilliant, but he will never win any awards for finesse.
I used to sell SOL-20s years ago. At that time you had the option to have it
or build it youreslf. Some of those "handy" types had no buisness building
own systems., escpecially a plumber.
In any event, the worst story was a guy that used acid-core solder to build his
When he dragged it into the shop it looked like hell. I thougt our main tech was
going to cry or actually kill the guy; as he was oscillating between deep sorrow
volcanic anger at a rapid pace. The owner had to step and and tell the tech it
was time for him to take
lunch at 10:30am. The guy became indignant when he was shown the fine print,
I don't think the guy ever got that Sol fixed or got a replacement from Processor
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