Peterson, Roe (LAI) wrote:
Does anyone have RT-11 actually running with two MSCP
disk controllers?
My 11/83 has a CMD CQD220A/TM at 172150, and an RQDX3 at 160334. The rqdx3 has an rx33
floppy drive, and is set for starting LUN 4.
No matter what I do, RT-11 simply won't see the floppy. I've run sysgen, specified
the addresses of both controllers, nothing works.
So, if anyone actually has a running system with dual controllers, I would love to see the
SET DEVICE stuff that makes it work.
Thanks for any advice.
While you have provided insufficient detail of which
version of RT-11 you are using, along with a Mapped
or UnMapped Monitor, I can guess a bit.
For your information, I have FIVE MSCP controllers:
DU(X).SYS - Standard CSR / VECTOR
QR(X).SYS - RQDX3 (Q for a dual board)
VR(X).SYS - RQDX2 (V for a quad board)
SE(X),SYS - Dual ESDI controller for Seagate Hard Drives
HI(X).SYS - Sigma RQD11-EC (Quad ESDI controller) for
Hitachi Hard Drives
I also have a CMD CQD220 / TM which is often used with the
DU(X).SYS device driver for SCSI interface drives.
If you "merely" made a copy of DU(X).SYS to SC(X).SYS,
then critical values were not modified. In addition, if you
SYSGENed an extended device driver which supports more
than EIGHT physical units, there is one additional word which
requires alteration.
Unfortunately, DEC neglected to provide the command:
which would fix all of those other values when the NAME
of the device driver is changed to support a second controller
at a different CSR / VECTOR pair. But then, even though
RT-11 is VERY comprehensive for a VERY simple operating
system, there are still many enhancements that were omitted.
If you are using an UnMapped Monitor (RT11FB) with ONLY
a maximum of EIGHT physical units, then search for (use SIPP)
the value ^rDU (16110) and change it to ^rSC (73470 - or
whatever you have named your CQD220A/TM device driver).
If you are using a Mapped Monitor, the names are a bit different.
That will be in addition to:
SET SC CSR=160334
SET SC VECTOR=150 (did you forget to change the VECTOR?)
As far as I understand, you may be able to get by with just the above
two SET commands without changing the ^rDU values if you just
use the RQDX3 controller for the RX33 floppy as a data device.
Please let me know what you find that fixes the problem or if you
need more help.
Jerome Fine