I know it can be done, I'm just not sure how. I have an adaptec 1542B
controller that I'm using the floppy controller on.
It current has two options for the floppy controller: 3F0-3F7h or 370-377h
3F0 (001111110000) is with J8/1 open
370 (001101110000) is with J8/1 closed
I'd like to re-address this to something else, like 320 or 330 or even the
LPT or serial port addresses. Now, how the heck would I go about this? I'm
pretty good with a soldering iron, and I know how to count.
Being a bit of an ISA bus neophyte, are these addresses selected by the
"Data" lines of the ISA connector (D0-D7), or what exactly is being read?
No, the addresses are sent on the address lines (A0-A9 in the case of a
normal I/O address on a PC, although IIRC, the 80x86 acutally uses
A0-A15, it's just that _most_ ISA cards ignore the top few address lines
for I/O cycles).
I've not got the data sheet on this disk controller chip to hand, but
typically, you'll find that the low few address lines go to inputs on the
chip to select different internal registers. The higher lines are decoded
to provide a chip select signal.
An example may help. Suppose the particular I/O chip has 8 internal
registers, it will therefore have 3 address inputs to select one of the
8. And suppose you want it to appear at I/O addresses 370-377 hex.
A0, A1, A2 are wired to the address inputs on the chip
A3 to A9 are wired to an address decoder circuit which asserts chip
select when the signals are in the following states
A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3
1 1 0 1 1 1 0
_One_ way to do that would be to invery A7 and A3 (say by using 74LS04
NOT gates) and then to NAND the outputs of those inverters with the other
5 signals (a 74LS30 8-input NAND is useful here!). Note that this
produces a low at the output of the NAND gate for the desired address
range, and that most chip select signals are active low.
It's also generally necessary to include the Address Enable signal and
the I/O Read and I/O Write signals at some point.
Very often this address decoding is done by a PAL or a PROM, or even
worse inside an ASIC. You may be able to program a new device to move
thigns to new addresses. In some cases, inverting some of the address
inputs to the PAL/PROM will help, but this will generally 'move' all
devices selected by that PAL/PROM. Maybe you'll have to design a new
address decoder circuit and kludge it on somehow.
Before trying that, you'll want to look at the schematics for a few
simple ISA cards to see how the address decoding is generally done.