On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 1:56 AM, Christian Corti
<cc at informatik.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:
You don't need codewords for the Enware/Netstation software. And you can
easily use that e.g. with a Linux server (as I do) since the SW is generic
for most kind of Unices. A quick search with a search enginge of your choice
will reveal several places with instructions how to install the Netstation
SW and configure the terminal (you basically need BOOTP/DHCP and TFTP/NFS).
Here's one source for the SW:
And if you just follow the English Wikipedia article
you'll find the following link:
I did do some searching before asking, and I did find this web page
and did take a look at it:
These links on that web page are broken:
generic.img.gz (25mb) Generic install image for *nix systems
install.gen (3.6Kb) Installation script
install.how (10Kb) Brief documentation on the installation procedure
(See the section on 'Generic Installs')
I also found other people looking for the software,
such as this instance:
But that refers to an HP FTP site that is no longer there:
I'll see if I can access this. I can't at the moment:
Kind regards,
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
looks like work." -- Thomas A. Edison