From: "Stefan" <birs23 at>
> I just hooked up my Teleprint 390 to my laptop and it works like a
> charm, almost 100%. I can type on my laptop and the output appears on
> both the papertape as typed. And what I type on the Teleprint appears
> on my laptop but what it doesn't do is when I feed it a papertape
> output it on the laptop (only parts). It does output it correctly on
> the Teleprint itself. Any idea's what might be wrong here ?
> I am not a real technical person but willing to give anything a try :-)
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, vrs wrote:
I think it is likely that your 390 is generating two
stop bits. If your
isn't expecting that, it would likely construe the second stop bit as a
bit and begin looking for the next character.
Sorry, not correct... a stop bit is simply the line sitting in the
spacing state, eg. it's like a pause between characters, so it
will not trip up comm. systems.
It's always safe to have more than one stop bit, though it lowers
the number of characters/second (at 110, you'll hardly notice :-)
I'm a little unclear on your problem, I'll restate for clarity,
correct me if I'm wrong:
** When you type on the tty keyboard, correct characters appear on
the laptop? Absolutely 100% of the time?
** When you run a punched paper tape through the reader, it prints
correctly on the tty, but what you see on the laptop does not
match the tty?