On 11/19/13 6:03 PM, Al Kossow wrote:
They seem to have broken it sufficiently now that
nothing is returned
after the end of October.
Is there anyone indexing Usenet that has a clue? It seems like all that
is left is for-pay
services for searching alt.binaries.
That's not the only thing Google broke. I closed my Youtube account this
afternoon that I've had for the last 7 years.. or tried to, and you
can't even close the account now, because of some random bug in their
code. I damn sure closed the Google+ account though. I am NOT going to
be linked to 'everything Google' just for my Youtube account. They're
working really hard to prevent any online anonymity with the way they're
trying to structure things, so I think it's time to jump ship, and if I
want to comment on a video, I'll just have to comment to myself I guess.
(You can't leave a comment now unless you have a Google+ account.) What
a crock! :P
Dave Land
Land Computer Service xmechanic at