On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Roger Merchberger wrote:
I very well could be wrong here, but my DEC 3000/300
(desktop machine,
150Mhz Alpha, 64Meg RAM uses banks of 4 each standard 72-pin true parity
SIMMs... Were there any DEC 3000's that *required* 8 SIMMs in a bank? (or,
more accurately, are the DEC 3000/300's the only 3000's that need only 4
SIMMs per bank?)
The 300's are different from most of the other machines in the 3000
family. They use std 72pin simms, whereas the 5/6/7/8/900 use propietary
DEC simms. The memory BW is also very different, that is the reason why
the other models need 8 simms per bank, in its day these machines had
pretty good memory BW. (256bit wide I think...)
Francisco J. MesaMartinez
Basking Engineering Ctr #228 email:javi@cse.ucsc.edu
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 phone:(831) 502-2073