>There are some folks who think dead computers are
of value for something
>than parts, but I don't know very many. Give
the sensible ones a break,
I'm not saying that the PCjr falls into this category, but there are any
number of systems that even if they're not working should be kept intact and
not junked or canibalized for whatever useful parts you can get. This
mainly applies to those machines that a collector is happy to find in any
condition due to their rarity.
Yeah, I was really pissed when a breaker beat me out of a local PDP-11/73
last year. Enough that I almost tried to talk the seller out of selling
to me anyway, thinking I'd have to offer him some kind of sweetener for
the deal so living with a bad E-Bay rep wouldn't bother him so much.
Had it been an 11/40, 11/45, 11/50, or 11/70, I *would* have done it.