On Thu, Jun 06, 2013 at 11:05:06AM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
second this. v4 was a horror show.
Personally I use 3.3 or 6.2 whenever I need DOS.
Totally. I remember when we first got ahold of V4.01 at work, and I found
that the install floppy was not readable from V3.3, but when I booted V4.01,
*it* couldn't read the V3.3 hard drive. No thank you!!
I run DR-DOS V8.0 all day long on my main development machine. It's a shame
it turned out their FAT32 support code was (essentially) stolen and they had
to regress to V7.03 (which is still available on
drdos.com) -- I wonder if
any of the current owners even knows how to program? FAT32 is perfectly
straightforward. But anyway the OS is great, and each of the utilities is
usually improved in some way, compared to the MS versions.
I ran PC-DOS V2.00 for way too long on my original IBM PC (finally upgraded
to V3.3 when I added a homemade IDE controller with a disk that was too big
for FAT12). On that hardware, the later DOS versions were annoyingly slow.
With V5.0, if you entered a blank line at the DOS prompt, there was a visible
delay before the next prompt came up. Nope.
John Wilson
D Bit