Why is all the good stuff always in California and Florida????
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Ford <mikeford(a)netwiz.net>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 11:55 AM
Subject: Old video collectors?
> >
>In fact, this is also why I don't like VHS - maybe good
> > >enough compared to a noisy aired NTSC source, but just
> > >crap, compared to an U-Max or V2000 (I still use V2000
Since this conversation has wandered in every other direction I thought I
would drop this info for consideration. The same place that has the HP
3000/series 950 about to head to the metal scrappers for lack of interest
has a fairly complete Umatic video editing rig (pair of decks, a couple
consoles, and 3 or so small monitors). Not too far from Disneyland in
SoCal, bring truck and a couple hundered bucks and maybe he will throw in
the effects boxes etc. Tripods and lights are gone already though.
BTW I think the brand on one of the decks is Umax.