On 27 Nov 2008 at 22:31, Roy J. Tellason wrote:
Would that be something like that Perstor
"controller" I ran with for a while?
Got 158M out of a pair of ST251s with that card, until the bearing noise got
to be a bit too much to deal with...
Perstor was certainly one, and I think there were others. ISTR that
it was pretty finicky about drive selection--more so than RLL (2,7)
Sometimes it wasn't the bearing noise that got to you. Dragging
spindle brakes could raise a racket, as could the copper grounding
spring at the end of the spindle. Many folks just tossed one or the
the other into the circular file to cure the noise.
And then some "MFM" drives were just plain noisy, such as the
Atasi/Priam FH units. I put an Atasi 120MB drive in a unit a couple
of months ago and pulled it out after about a week of putting up with
the noise. I replaced it with a 760MB Miniscribe ESDI. Much better.