Tony wrote:
(I don't think anyone here would claim the
PDP8/e on my
desk was anyhting other than a computer).=20
With tongue in cheek, I suggest that the PDP8/e is *not* a computer.
Actually, I think this is the very heart of the matter...
Abraham lincoln (I think) said (when arguing about a rather more serious
matter) that 'calling a tail a leg does not make it one'. I would add
that also calling a tail something else does not stop it from being a tail.
In this case, calling something a 'computer' does not necessarily make it
a computer by all definitions. It may be a computer by some definitions
and not others. It may not be a computer by any sensible defition
Similarly, the fact that the PDP8 was called a 'Programemd Data Processor'
and that the HP9830 [1] was called a 'Model 30 Calculator' by HP, both for
perfectly good marketing reasons, does not stop either of them being
classed as computers by a reasonable definition of the word.
[1] A desktoip machine with an alphanumeric display and BASIC in ROM.
It's hard to make a sensible definition of 'computer' that excludes it.
So, yes, you can, very reasoanbly, call ENIAC, Colossus, the ABC, etc,
'computers'. Equally, yuo may have a definition, such as requiring a
stored program, that excludes them. Neither is 'right' or 'wrong'.