On Jan 3, 2013, at 10:05 PM, Jonathan Katz <jon at jonworld.com> wrote:
What ever happened to the original Dhrystone tests?
Since those were designed for VAXen (era) systems, running them on a modern emulator may
give some apples to apples comparisons between the real big iron and
I found the following C version of Dhrystone 1.1 at the following URL:
I have simh-780 running BSD 4.3 found via these instructions:
It's hosted on an OpenBSD VM on my MacBook Pro. It has one CPU assigned:
cpu0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz, 2278.19 MHz
I used the BSD 4.3 compiler (not gcc), HZ=60, TIMES, and I did NOT use the register
According to the source code similar software configurations on a true 11/780 did around
1400 Dhrystones (the version 1.0 of the code had an error, so I'm going off of the 1.1
results in the file.)
kremvax# ./dhry
Dhrystone(1.1) time for 500000 passes = 12
This machine benchmarks at 40376 dhrystones/second
I upped it to LOOPS at 50000000 to get a number that may make more sense, since we're
comparing GHZ to MHZ and I think CPUs these days have more on-die cache than some of these
systems had in RAM.
kremvax# ./dhry
Dhrystone(1.1) time for 50000000 passes = 1266
This machine benchmarks at -17034 dhrystones/second
OOPS! I think I need to go find a long I left behind somewhere. OK, one more time with
LOOPS set to 5000000.
Dhrystone(1.1) time for 5000000 passes = 133
This machine benchmarks at 37425 dhrystones/second
OK, interesting. Finally, I did one more with the REGS setting.
kremvax# ./dhry
Dhrystone(1.1) time for 5000000 passes = 119
This machine benchmarks at 41811 dhrystones/second
So we're looking at 29 times faster.