Hopefully I haven't screwed the attribution here...
> Quoting Mike Ford <mikeford(a)socal.rr.com>om>:
> > I bought something called a Romulator (something like that,
> >
http://www.romrocket.com/) that I could dump a file to over a serial
> > link,
> > and then it behaved in circuit exactly like an eprom.
If it was a genuine "Romulator", it may have been made here in Columbus
by a friend of mine - Grammar Engine produced the Romulator about 15
years ago and later produced the PROMice. I have one of each. They
are awesome. I had to code the ROMs for our VAXBI product and using
ROM emulation gave me about 50 edit-compile-download-test cycles per day
instead of 5-10. The big benefit was that I didn't have to power down
the 8300 to change out the ROMs. Arvind gave me the source for the
download program and I got it working under VMS so I could compile
the 68000 target code (on our homegrown assembler) and shoot it into
the COMBOARD, all from the same makefile!
I can recommend highly anyone doing firmware development to have one of
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