Like the other comments, I'm not aware of an agnostic release only product
specific upgrades/releases that came out. However you might poke around "
www.*betaarchive*.com/"quot;, not sure if they'd have it but it's worth a
look. Otherwise you may have to search around for a download for your
specific desired product.
It was also mentioned that Microsoft did release a Windows Mobile emulator
package for developers (I believe it's free) where you could test Windows
Mobile 5/6 which may be close to your desired OS. I suppose you could also
check if someone has ripped it and created a custom
image. I've done that from time to time to install a custom firmware or
better edition of windows mobile or xandroid on my HTC phones.
On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Derrick <rmx44 at> wrote:
looking to find windows ce. mostly what i come up with
are devices that
have windows ce on them or i find the software that was installed along
side windows ce. i would like to find windows ce 6.0 if possible. i would
like to play around with it. maybe someone even has a windows ce 6.0
palmtop or something even