In <Pine.LNX.4.10.10011160656250.22735-100000(a)>om>, on
at 11:08 AM, Gene Buckle <geneb(a)> said:
The Commodore
64 had the worlds worst rom operating system ever created.
Are you referring to the
ROM that existed in the drive?
No, to the machine's ROM. The Basic was a quick hack of Mbasic and didn't
take advantage of the custom hardware on the C=.
better than
the Apple. The C='s main fault was the i/o. The machine
could read tape ok, but to read disks it had to emulate the tape drive and
WHAT?! I *strongly* disagree with you here. It never "emulated the
tape drive". Sure, it was slow as a dog, but that is due to the serial
nature of the drive interface. I don't even think the tape and serial
device bus shared the same CIA chip.
Maybe I did get that from some 80's propoganda. Sorry. The drive was
still Godaweful slow. Not because it is serial either. There was
something badly wrong with thier design.
To get high speed, high capacity drives for the C-64,
you just added a
commonly available IEEE-488 interface. This gives you a fast parallel
interface for using a myriad of faster and far higher capacity drives.
SFD1001 and 8050 come to mind right off.
That was the 1mb floppy right? I didn't know that ran on a different buss.
There is no
DOS for the C=. At least none that allows you to run the
You mean it accessed the
drive by pure magic? Gee, that's fascinating.
Not by magic. By machine language calls to the drive's rom. This is not
a complete dos, but a kernel you can make calls to. Imagine CP/M. Then
subtract the command interpreter. Sure, all the calls are there but it's
vastly more difficult to use.... If you go ahead and write a ccp you lose
compatability because of the ram it takes up. I don't know if there is a
cartridge-based DOS for the C=. Spartados X is a 64k cart that bitbangs
the ram/rom to avoid bumping memlo.
The only reason I can imagine for doing it the way they did is to save ram
for applications compatibility. If so, this was poor planning.
> majority of software. There is none because the
i/o and ram schemes never
> allowed for one. GEOS does not count because it bypasses or manipulates
> the original ROM os for greater functionality at the expense of near total
> incompatibility with non-GEOS software.
Did you get your Commodore facts from an old Atari
press release or
something? I mean c'mon man, this stuff is totally false!
Maybe some...
BTW, there IS a 4MB (more?) memory upgrade for the C64,
there is also a
20Mhz 65816 upgrade for it.
Yea, there is the Turbo 816 upgrade for the Atari too. It never went very
far though. In 816 mode compatability suffers badly.
Man. I haven't had that much fun since the great
Computer War of 1985.
Me too. Back then though a lot of the folks were just ignorant flamers.
This group is a bit more mature and knowledgable.... ;-)
Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
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Asheville, NC 28803
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