From: Steve Stutman <Steve at>
If you don't want to just use external switched outlet or "AC power strip",
consider using a Crydom SSR (Solid State Relay), These are blocks which
switch electronically at zero crossing; require various low DC voltages at
input to turn on; some take logic levels IIRC. You can use power switch on
panel to control a small supply which generates the SSR control voltage.
Should be possible to use a decent wall wart for this; maybe placed back
near the IMSAI xfmr. It's been 26 years since I last saw mine. YDMV.
One thing you should know about zero crossing. You don't want to use
a zero cross relay on a highly inductuve load( the IMSAI might qualify
as highly inductive because of the large core used ). You want a peak
switching. Zero cross is the worst place to turn on an inductive load
and results in the highest current surge. This may even saturate the
core and cause a peak several times the normal running current.