I have managed to munge RX02 disk images into a format that SIMH understands a year or so
ago. Unfortunately, I didn't keep notes about how I did it, and now I've forgotten
what I did, possibly using some throw-away code that I've since thrown away. Or maybe
I dumped the disks to image files on an emulated TU58 on my real PDP-11, and then wrote
the image files to new simh RX02 disk images under RT11 in simh. Actually, that sounds
like what I might have done. It's a clumsy way to do things, though. I'd like to
learn how simh expects its RX02 image files to be arranged so that I can write a utility
to translate between them and other formats.
Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>