On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 15:47:57 -0700 (PDT)
"Eric Smith" <eric at brouhaha.com> wrote:
Lawrence wrote:
The IBM 360 range (
http://www.windoweb.it/edpstory_new/eh1960_f31.jpg ) was made of
modules no wider than a standard door ... should have gone for one
of those :-)
If you (or anyone) know of any 360 or 370 machines that are available,
please let me know, as I'd like to try to get another 360 or 370 for
the Computer History Museum (
It should be noted that I'm not officially acting on their behalf;
I only do volunteer work (e.g., PDP-1 Restoration Project), and they
haven't asked me to find more machines for them. I just think they
should have them. :-)
Currently CHM has an IBM 360/30. The internal condition is apparently
not very good, though I haven't looked inside it myself. But I really
hope that we can restore some model of 360 (or 370) in the future.
Having an operational 360 system that people could submit jobs to
via punched cards (or maybe RJE over the internet) would really rock!
The CHM setup includes some 2311 disk drives and 24xx tape drives, but
apparently not control units for them. And I'm willing to donate a
2540 Card Read Punch to CHM to use with it, but I don't have the 2821
control unit that was used for that and the 1403 printer. :-(
All I have is an official IBM 360 Ashtray that I got from my father. I
mentioned it to him recently, he says that it's probably pretty rare
because it was an executive-only promotional perk.
It's probably been a few years since IBM produced a matching ash tray to
go with one of their mainframe systems.
I have a wooden THINK desk sign, too. No IBM mainframe collector should
be without one of those.