On 4/26/2014 4:36 AM, Todd Goodman wrote:
* Josh Dersch <derschjo at gmail.com> [140426
Since others have been sharing their new digs, I
thought I'd share mine.
I moved a couple of months ago to a much larger house with a
semi-finished (and dry) basement. (As you can tell from the photos, the
refinishing was done sometime in the 1970s :)). Previously I had about
200 square feet of space, now I have more like 900-1000. Not quite as
impressive as Guy's or Henk's, but I've managed to fit all my stuff in
with room for future expansion...
Just this week I got the last of the stuff out of my 10'x10' storage
unit and I've gotten everything approximately where I want it, modulo a
few boxes here and there. One thing I've discovered now that
everything's under one roof: I have way too many keyboards...
This link should work; let me know if you can't get to the album:
- Josh
Nice setup Josh!!! Where are is/your canine pal(s) in the pictures?
Thanks! Our dog (Jasper) was upstairs at the time, but I'll see if I
can't put a picture or two up with him in it :).