TV and Monitor CRT (Picture Tube) Information has a nice writeup. aka
In my mis-spent youth, my friends and I use to scrap TV sets for parts
and have fun "busting up the CRT's. The early B/W tubes from the 50's,
before the laminated safety tubes were common, provide a good show.
The safety tubes built in the 60's and later, including just about all the
color tubes were often disapointing.
It was amazing how much effort it too to bust out the face of a safety tube.
Even a shotgun blast would only punch a hole and blow out the back
of the neck.
I have had 22's spider the safety lens and bounce off the inner face.
The best bang was to hit an old unlaminated one on the corner
of the face with the rimband removed. Now that threw some glass.
You realily have no reason to remove the safety rimband it has a
real purpose and works well.
Today if you can find an old unlaminated B/W tube, you will discover
it is worth far more in todays dollars to TV collectors and restorers
than the cheep thrill of busting it up.
Yet, in the mid 60's the town dump was full of them and they provided
great entertainment to the nerds of the day who knew when and how
to get in and be ignored at the dump.
The other Bob .. now 58 and feeling a bit over the hill :)