wonder how big a peac of tape u would need to store a 1meg jpeg in octal
would be let along a raw file lol
Why waste tape by storing it in octal? That uses 3 chracters on the tape
for a byte. If you use 8-level paper tape you could punch the data in
binary, one tape character to a byte. If you insist on only using
printable chracters, I guess you could use base 64 encoding, which
would use 4 tape charaters for every 3 bytes of the original data
But anyway... Standard paper tape is 10 charactes per inch, so 120
charactes/foot. The normal reels of paper tape are, iIRC, 1000 feet, so
about 117k (real k :-)) per reel. That mans you 1M file is going to take
gettug on for 9 reels for binary encoding, around 26.25 reels for octal,
and 11.65 reels for base64.
Not totally ridiculous.
On the other hand, a 1M jpeg is a pretty small or low-resolution image.