Then like the nose of a fawn peeking out from a bush,
I noticed a floppy
drive on the end of a keyboard. Curious. I fished it out and its a 386sx
built into a keyboard with a small power brick to make it go. The brand is
MicroBuilt on a couple, and Jamicon on a third (and all the power supplies)
and the model is SpaceSaver 386sx. Cute. Cute enough that I barely got to
keep one after finding all three. No idea on the cpu speed, 2 MB ram, about
65 MB HD, and a 1.44 floppy, all running some loan program over dos 6.2.
Reminds me of the Schneider EuroPC (Althrough this was a XT) -
See Jim's VCF 2.0 Page for a picture.
Der Kopf ist auch nur ein Auswuchs wie der kleine Zeh.