Using VMS
you'd have mail and DEC Notes at least. Plus it's possible to
setup dialup access. The question is, how secure is DECnet over IP? Can
you send it via an encrypted link? I've not read up on it yet.
Zane, I'd be up to reanimating my torn apart uVAX II for this. I think it
would be a blast. I can drop it on the 'net fairly easily. I still have
one of those huge H???? vampire tap ethernet trancievers that I modified
for 10Base2 that I can hook up to the DEQNA.
Well... I've got a VAXstation 4000-60 or DEC 3000/300LX that I've been
thinking about dedicating to something like this (having it sit outside my
cluster of course). If anyone is interested I'd say the DECnet Phase V
manuals would be the place to start looking as I think Phase V is needed
for DECnet over IP.
I don't believe the Hobbyist CD doesn't included DEC Notes, but that's not
a problem as I've got a copy.
I think I'll have to start investigating what it takes to get DECnet running
over an IP link. Hopefully having to go through a firewall doing NAT isn't
a problem since I can direct specific ports to a specific host.