On Wednesday, August 22, 2001, at 09:50 PM, Jerome
Fine wrote:
I don't know if you want to separate the
media, but I can probably help
you with the RL02 disks. If this is a commercial request (I presume it is
not), then I could probably arrange to acquire an RK05 drive as well.
This is an
academic request. I have 5 RL disks. I have been
informed that they are actually RL01K-DC (??). However, my
understanding is that they both can be read in the same drives.
In order to transfer the data (I am only interested in the text
files) we could just email it or I could set up an ftp account and you
could send it as a TAR archive. The total amount of data shouldn't be
bigger than a large attachment.
I really appreciate your offer. However, I am going to hold off on
accepting it in case someone comes along who really needs the media.
I am not on the PDP mailing list, but if you could update the
description to RL01 disks (5) and even mention that that there are about
20 of the RK05 I would appreciate it.
John Christie <jjc(a)mac.com>
Jerome Fine replies:
I was asked to replay the message Does anyone have both the RK05
drives and the RL01 drives (NOT RL02 after all)?
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine