----- Original Message -----
From: "Doc Shipley" <doc at mdrconsult.com>
To: <General at mdrconsult.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Common items you passed up that turned rare when you wanted
I have one! (yes, a single) Paid something like
$8 and shipping
because apparently neither the seller nor anybody else bothered to read
the label pictured in the eBay listing. :)
It's in the only box I own that can read a single 128MB SIMM - an
A3000 with '060 accelerator.
I know somebody who purchased 8 matching 128MB 72 pin SIMMs on ebay dirt
cheap, ofcourse I don't think they worked on any machine he currently has.
The only machine I have that can use that type of SIMM would be my Amiga
1200 with a Blizzard 68030/50 CPU add-on.