On 2/10/07, woodelf <bfranchuk at jetnet.ab.ca> wrote:
Also does anybody have the orginal MMI PAL data books?
I belive I can still get pals cheap from BGmicro ( PAL16R8ACN MMI)
for $5.60 for a tube of 20 so I might like to do whole cpmputer with them.
For that I need the orginal hardware programing information. I
belive they need they look like 512x8 FUSE ROM for programing but
with out the orginal data sheets I have no way of finding out.
Looks like the 16R8 has 8 inputs, 8 D/Q outputs with feedback, 1 clock
input, and 1 output enable input. Looks like there are 32 columns (8x
input True/False plus 8x D/Q feedback True/False) and 64 rows (8x
product terms into each D/Q output) for a total of 2048 fuses. So I
think that would be 256x8, not 512x8.