Douglas Quebbeman said:
I dispute that: Computers and computing go from
strength to strength.
There's more than just PCs out there; the mighty mainframe still rules the
roost in many places, there's Apple Macs, VAX minis, Crays, and probably
many others I can't even think of. And, for the soldering-iron fans,
embedded computing is probably stronger than it ever was - *everything's*
got a computer or three in it...
In many places? The mainframe rules the roost period. What do you think
serves the databases that run the neato little things your PCs do on the
internet? IBM DB2/390.
Hmmm... probably true for the commercial sites, of which I spend
virtually zero of my personal time. Unless Google uses the OBM iron...
Nope, they use commodity PCs with FreeBSD. From
"The speed you experience can be attributed in part to the efficiency of our
search algorithm and partly to the thousands of low cost PC's we've networked
together to create a superfast search engine."
- Dan Wright
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``Weave a circle round him thrice, / And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honeydew hath fed, / and drunk the milk of Paradise.''
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan