Agreed, my uncle is a professional photographer,
photographs mostly museum pieces, jewelry, watches,
ancient artifacts stuff like that (hires hand models),
his photographs are used in large coffee table sized
books, posters, full page magazines ads, museum
brochures etc the pictures are outstanding. Anyway he
has a safe (literally) full of hasselblad camera's and
lens as well as 4x5 an 8x10 view cameras. he now uses
digital scanning backs that fits directly on back of
these camera. These are 100+ megapixel units that
produce files over a gig in size. There is nothing a
8x10 film view camera can produce that these camera's
can't equal, in my opinion.
--- William Donzelli <aw288 at> wrote:
Have you seen
the output from 6 or 8 megapixel
cameras? A 35 mm
camera doesn't easily beat that, if at all.
I have seen a buddy's 12 (or 16, I forget) megapixel
triple sensor camera,
and the results were astounding good. His 8 by 10
prints were film
And that was a year ago. What are they up to now? 24
Film is just about dead...
William Donzelli
aw288 at
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