On Jun 22, 2016, at 07:23, Todd Killingsworth
<killingsworth.todd at gmail.com> wrote:
I'm set up to go onsite this afternoon, and I've got new SD cards and two
batteries for the camera. Once I've figured out a good place to post them,
I'll pass the link along. I think this is more of a corporate/enterprise
collection so I'm not expecting SGI - but he's got a lot of stuff.
You never know what you'll find on this kind of run..Should be fun!
I'm looking forward to seeing what you find!
On Jun 21, 2016, at 13:05, William Donzelli
<wdonzelli at gmail.com> wrote:
Be sure to tell your friend that the mainframe collectors can
certainly make cubic feet of equipment leave the warehouse quickly!
In case it helps any mainframe collectors, I just checked, and ramen noodle soup costs
around $0.41 per meal on Amazon Prime. I'm still working on the problem creating more
cubic feet^H^H^H^Hyards of available volume in a small house, though.
Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>