Does anyone remember the 68000 based systems that were
described in Radio Electronics in the late 80's? One
was simply that - a description, of a project that had
been popular in Europe. I guess sort of a set of plans
that were developed by someone, and meant as a do it
yourself project (or maybe was available in kit form).
The other was an actual set of plans in RE, with,
IIRC, circuit artwork, and all the rest. You could
actually plug a cga card in, as well as other pc cards
and whatnot, and of course drives. If anyone has any
info/experience with either of these, please comment
or e-mail me. I'll try and dig up the specific issues
one of these days.
--- Blars Blarson <blarson at> wrote:
In article <433C0E00.8030009 at>
What I want is a REAL OS/9
machine but I never could afford more than a Coco.
Are you interested in a couple of Frank Hogg Labs
systems os9/68k
systems? One 68000, one 68020. Located in Los
Blars Blarson blarson at
With Microsoft, failure is not an option. It is a
standard feature.
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005