Hi folks,
I tried to build and run adventure from Rick Murphy's website:
I used the disk image from the page and booted my machine from it.
I was able to compile and link everything by means of COMPIL.BI and LOAD.BI.
When I want to start the game, I'm asked for the file locations. Then it
takes a few seconds (perhaps half a minute?) until the program tells me
about "Fatal error 8" - and that I should consult my "local wizard".
who's the local wizard?
On SIMH it seems to work.
At the moment, I would like to know if it's my machine and it's FPP-12
or the software (perhaps not expecting the presence of a real FPP-12?)
which has the problem.
SIMH doesn't have a FPP, so I cannot test it :-(
I successfully ran maindec-12-dafpa-a-pb (FPP-12 data test) on my
system. Compiling small FORTRAN IV programs und running them with the
FPP attached seems to be working correctly as well.
So are there any known problems?
Might there be any problems?
Is the adventure game tested with a real FPP-12?
Does anyone know an emulator with FPP-12?
My system configuration (abbreviated):
* PDP-8/e
* 32K memory
* TD8E DECTape controller
* RK8E RK05 controller
* Teletype
* Some serial ports for Kermit and dumprest
If anyone knows anything, please let me know!
It would be very good to be sure if I have a hardware problem or not.
Don't want to search for a phantom problem.
Best wishes,
Philipp :-)