On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Brent Hilpert<hilpert at cs.ubc.ca> wrote:
Rich Alderson wrote:
De gustibus non disputandum. ?However, _Soul_ is very much NOT about "the
creation of Data General", which was incorporated in 1968. ?It is rather
about DG's effort, c. 1976, to get to market with a so-called supermini, in
order to compete with DEC's VAX (which was under development at the same
Can someone acquainted with both machines weigh in with an opinion of how they
compared in terms of performance and capability? Did the VAX win out because it
was DEC (market prominence, etc.) or because in the main it was a better
machine, or some other reason?
(I used and programmed with 780's and 750's under both VMS and BSD in the
but never worked with DG machines.)
I don't have nearly as much experience with VAXen as I do with DG
machines, but I will say this (and please remember, I LOVE DG hardware
and software)... VMS simply rocks IMHO. AOS/VS is a very cool OS, but
doesn't hold much of a candle to VMS.
I'll go crawl back in my hole now... :)
Well, the manufacturer operatings systems are another variable, perhaps another
way of expressing the question would be: how would the machines compare if BSD
had targetted the DG machine instead of the VAX?