Hmm... Having seen this on eBay:ā¦
the nameplate from an ICL 2950, weighing over 2Kg alone, and had my
curiosity nudged, I was wondering if anybody knew of any pictures of the
beast itself? A quick google found me a bit of info, but no pics yet.
Hmm.. I've got a nameplate stuck to a 5.25" disc box in the cupboard from a
Ferranti "EWTS" system (Early Warning [Tracking|Training] System, I forget
which, and google doesn't help at all) ... Picked it up while I was an
apprentice there - now that was fun, wandering round the factory, about
1982/3 - I seem to recall computer generated ships and stuff on one
system. Amazing graphics for the time.
It's a shame how little of the old stuff still exists.. I also used to
"play" on a Data General Nova, must have been about 1980, at the college my
Dad taught at; I sometimes wonder whatever happened to that..