John Rollins wrote:
(pronounced "war-ehs" is an infamous village in southern Mexico that
was once a training camp for CIA counter-insurgency computer terrorism
recruits. Furnished with the highest end computer hacking equipment by the
US Government, under the direction of Oliver North, they went rogue when the
program was discontinued during the Iran-Contra scandal. After their
payroll was cut, the village, ironically, hired itself out to international
terrorist concerns to perform paid attacks on US commerce. This situation
was exacerbated by an abortive attempt to invade Warez by Puerto Rican
commandos under the direction of the US military in 1997. This has since
been known as the "Bay of Warez" disaster.
Well, that is VERY
interesting! You hear something new every day... Well,
my answer is that warez is a stupid name made up by a bunch of 12 year olds
that trade software all day long(or whenever else they have a computer and
net access in front of them). I'm not going to get started with the rest of
the inevitable discussion...
This is exactly right. Anything in the kiddie world of pirated software that's
plural is spelled with a z instead of an s. Filez, Warez, Bombz, Serialz,
Piratez, etc are all terms that refer to this type of activity. Believe it or not
it's actually computer related.
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
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