I'm looking at selling my IBM 5110 with the
8" disk drive and printer most
of the documentation and a box of floppies.
What should be the asking price?
APL? BASIC? both?
do the floppies work?
prices I've paid for IBM 5110s range from $0 (free) to $250
eBay notes:
IBM 5110 PRE-PC Museum Piece $500 2000-06-12 351192404
IBM 5110-3 SYSTEM!!! (reserve not met) 2000-08-09 397125808
(reserve was something like $1500)
IBM 5120, 12K (part of big lot) $144 2000-02-27 271420988
Stan Sieler sieler(a)allegro.com
www.allegro.com/sieler/wanted/index.html www.allegro.com/sieler