We'll see how this works out with the glue.
Fabricating replacement
parts might be a bit of an undertaking -- some of the fingers are like
the ones in my photos, a single, small plastic unit maybe a few
millimeters wide. I can see fabricating new ones, though they're small
enough that precision might be an issue. Others are part of a larger
set of fingers on a single "tube"of plastic maybe 6-8 centimeters in
length, these I suspect it will be difficult to replace.
What I would trty to do in the latter case is make the spindle and fingers
separately (the latter having a hole for the spindle, of course) and then
fix then together using either setscres, solder (soft solder or silver
solder) or loctite. Not having seen the machine I don't know if this is
possible, of course.
The bad
news is that even with the mechanism fixed, the machine still
exhibits the same problem. I'm wondering if it's the delay line memory
Other than the physical damage, do you have any reason to suspect the
delay line system at thiis point?
Not really. The physical damage was such that the dent looked as if it
might actually be deep enough to be touching the delay line wire inside,
potentially dampening the pulses. I opened it up this evening (had to
gently hack off some rivets holding it shut) and gently hammered out the
dents in the aluminum enclosure. No difference in behavior after
reassembling it and hooking it back up, alas. But at least I can
eliminate that particular aspect as a problem.
Indeed yse. As I read someehwere the comment 'I've checked every darn
compoennt in the <foo> circuit and I can;tfindanything wrong' should
imply (assuming that the tests are valid) that hte problem is not in the
<foo> circuit but elsewhere. And that is a step forward.
>> up a service manual.
> Did such a thing ever sxist?
I hope so. I'd guess that a machine like this, of
this vintage, would
have such a manual. Not sure where to find one, though :).
I wonder if it was ever available outside the factory, thohgh (some
companies did not release service manuls :-(). Or if it contained full
schematics or if it was what I generally call a 'boardswapper guide'. HP
cdesktop cacluator service manuals are invariably the latter which has
caused me to spend many hours with a contiuity tester, pen and paper...