It's running again! Please drop in and help me test it ...
For those of you who are new, it is a Telnet BBS that I am writing
running on an IBM PCjr. I have written all of the TCP/IP code and the
BBS code from scratch. The only thing I didn't write was the packet
driver for the Ethernet adapter and the version of DOS it is running.
The IP address is . That goes to my cable modem - the
router port forwards telnet traffic directly to the PCjr. Pretty much
any telnet client will do including the one built into Windows.
Since the last round of testing I have added the following:
* A forum area with threads
* A private message area
* Bulletins (read only files that are longer in length)
* Basic user profile editing functions
* Better telnet protocol support with performance improvements
It is a pretty big set of changes. I am hoping there are no bugs, but
having a few people on at the same time will help flush them out and
give me an idea on if the machine is capable of servicing multiple users
doing real BBS functions. (My previous tests were pretty limited.) The
machine is setup to handle 6 online users at the same time.
I am also looking for feedback on the user interface .. if it is not
usable, then there isn't much point. I am limited with what I can do
given the hardware, but let me know what you think would be neat and
I'll add it to the todo list. (ANSI graphics isn't there, but I know how
to get it done.)
I will leave the machine running for about a week. If it falls over
before then I will fix the bug and restart it as quickly as I can. If it
makes it a week with no serious problems I'll be pretty happy.